* 2001 - registration to the F.I.A.F. (Italian Federation Photographic Associations)
* 2002 - registration to the F.I.A.P. (Fédération Internazionale de l'Art Photographique)
* 2002 - registration to the U.I.F. (Italian Union amateur Photographers)
* 2002 - has founded the Cultural Association photodigitalgrosseto, becoming President.
* 2002 - receives the Zone Delegate nomination Grosseto UIF (interrupted September 6, 2003)
* 2002 - Active member of the PSA (Photographic Society of America)
* 2003 - receives from the U.I.F the honorary title of B.F.A. 2 stars (Artist Photographs with worth)
* 2003 - receives the nomination of Provincial Secretary Grosseto UIF (interrupted October 30, 2004)
* 2004 - receives from the U.I.F the honorary title of B.F.A. 3 stars (Artist Photographs with worth)
* 2004 - receives the nomination of Regional Secretary Tuscan UIF ( interrupted December 31, 2011)
* 2004 - Director of the Artistic Committee of the UIF (interrupted December 31, 2011)
* 2006 - receives from the FIAF the honorary of A.F.I. (Artist Photograph Italian)
* 2006 - receives from the PSA the PPSA distinction (Proficiency in Photography)
* 2007 - receives from the U.I.F the honorary title of M.F.A. (Teacher of the Artistic Photography)
* 2007 - receives from the FIAP the honorary of A.F.I.A.P. (Artiste FIAP)
* 2010 - receives from the FIAP the honorary of E.F.I.A.P. (Excellence Artiste FIAP)
* 2011 - receives from the FIAP the honorary of EFIAP/b (Excellence Artiste FIAP/bronze)
* 2013 - receives from the FIAP the honorary of EFIAP/s (Excellence Artiste FIAP/silver)
* 2015 - receives from the FIAP the honorary of EFIAP/g (Excellence Artiste FIAP/gold)
* 2016 - receives from the U.I.F the honorary title of B.F.A. 4 stars (Artist Photographs with worth)
Participates actively to the national photographic and international contests of relief getting from the 2001 to today:
- 70 prizes and over 929 admissions in the patronized international photographic contests from the FIAP
- 52 prizes and over 871 admissions in the patronized national photographic contests from the FIAF
Much the his works publish in the relative catalogs of the photographic demonstrations.
Has taken departs in exhibitions in numerous photographics collective in international and national circuit. Has exposed show personal in any city of Italy.
He is present, across the web, in the more important gallery virtual international photographic.
Some his digital and photographic elaborations I have been publish on magazines specialize to international diffusion.
He is present with a his work in the FIAF monograph nr.37 from the title " forms of the naked ", in the UIF monograph from the 2006 to the 2011, and even in the photographic yearbooks FIAF and UIF from the 2001 to the 2015.
Has conceived in the 2002, for account of the UIF, the news dresses illustrative graphics of all the complete series of the honorary and carried out certificates besides the cover of the photographic yearbook 2002, 2008, 2009 and 2010.
In the 2006 on demand of the MIF (Museum Internacional from Photo) of Cerdanyola (Spain), has given a work for expository-cultural purposes.
Has organized for account of the Cultural Association photodigitalgrosseto important events and photographic demonstrations, among which detach: Two great shows of 25 Argentinian authors from the title: " earthes and peoples, the maremmas of the world " expose in the city of Grosseto ( 2004 ) and Saint Vincent ( 2005); Two other great shows of the really associates from the titles: " maremma and other vibrations " and " maremma and other vibrations 2 " expose to Grosseto respectively in the 2005 and 2006; The regional conference Tuscan UIF 2006 in the city of Grosseto in a splendid farm holidays.
In the September 2005 state be guest from the foreign department of the FIAF to take part in the Mundial Fotofestival organize to Rovigno (Croatia) in occasion of the 20° anniversary of the Photo Art Gallery " Batana " (patronized demonstration from the FIAP)
In the June 2006 taken part in have the 28° Biennial FIAP " white-black " in China, conquering with the Italian square of the FIAF the bronze medal medal Fiap.